time traveller from 3036

In this Blog We Are Going to see Something Mysterious Yes a Man From 3036 Now In Our Period 2021 the mysterious time bandit claims the world's population in 3036 will reach record levels, with domestic animals such as cats and dogs considered 'exotic'.

He also warned of something called the 'big blackout'.

"You're as free as you're ever gonna get, right now," he says, staring directly back into the camera.

"These are considered the last days of freedom, your kids won't even see it, so suck it up, because as simple-minded as your time period is, you got it pretty good, you just don't know it."

When asked about the world population, he says: "Just over two billion people.

He then moves onto perhaps his most ominous prediction of all, 'the big blackout'.

Taking a deep breath, he explains: "The big blackout, if I'm not mistaken, happens in December 2052.

"Basically, everything goes dark for upwards of five years, the internet, the power, it all gets disconnected, on account of what's called 'the terrors', but many speculate otherwise.

"Anyway, five years, it's turmoil, riots, you name it, it's pretty much the worst of times.

"It takes them upwards to 20 years to get the power back online, and even then it's absolute chaos.

"Believe it or not, our zoo consists of animals like dogs and cats, rabbits, squirrels - these are considered exotic animals.

"All of the larger species, like lions and tigers, cat species, the larger ones, elephants, they're all gone. The larger species no longer exist."

The time traveller also reveals that much more work will be put into renewable energy in the future, probably in no small part due to the 'big blackout'.

But he warns that these jobs won't be for the faint-hearted.

"We've got large areas, hundreds of miles, thousands of miles, all designated to wind turbines, reflective mirrors and solar panels," he says.

"It's one of the few remaining jobs left for residents, but it's also the most dangerous.

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